Welcome to Quantastic Research!
Hi, I’m Dominic and I’m interested in evolving my data analysis and data science skills. I’ve always learned best by teaching others in the process – so this journey has culminated into starting Quantastic Research, a site where I can share my findings and offer my services in data analysis.
Content Expectations
The goal of this site is to document the technologies and methodologies I personally find useful in data analysis. As such, you will find the topics to range quite a bit. From beginner to advanced data analysis techniques, all the way to programming tutorials and project overviews.
Subject areas will likely center around analyzing financial stock market data, since it’s so easy to access and perform analysis on, but other data sources and applications may rear their head as well.
There will also be project updates, which can be found on dedicated project pages. The project code can be found under the GitHub organization Quantastic Research. It’s all linked here, but if you need help navigating contact me.
About the Author
I have obtained two Bachelor’s degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. The bulk of my professional experience has involved controls automation and industrial manufacturing. I’m also a long-time user of Python and SQL, and I have had many other encounters with various programming languages throughout my professional and academic career.
Data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence are all interests that stem from my educational background. In addition, I’ve been interested in applying technical analysis to the stock market for many years. Merging all of the above with an added goal of fostering a career in data science has culminated in starting this blog.
In addition, I’ve been a guitarist all my life and I’ve recorded and played in various bands around Buffalo and Western New York. I also like to modify guitar effects pedals, hike the nearby Niagara Gorge Trails, trade stocks, and cook Italian and Italian-American cuisine. Read more here.
Feel free to contact me for any of the following reasons:
- Content Corrections
- New Content Suggestions
- Guest Content Submissions
- Paid Data Analysis Opportunities
- Sponsorships
- Advertising
Please do not contact me for solicitation of services or products. Do not contact me for free data analysis services.
Cite Your Sources
If you find the content on this site useful enough to use in your own projects or writing, I ask that you please cite your source and include a URL to whichever page you found helpful.
If you decide to use the code that I share on this website in your personal projects, then please do the same and cite your source. The software is open source and is licensed in a way such that any unauthorized use in commercial products is forbidden.
Affiliate Disclosure
It takes a lot of time and effort to create the articles and posts here on Quantitative Research. In an attempt to monetize the effort put into this platform, Quantastic Research engages in affiliate commission opportunities and earns from qualifying purchases.
This means that if you click on an affiliate link, a cookie will be generated by a third party company that ties your session to the link you clicked on this site. If you purchase something on that third party company’s site, Quantastic Research receives a small commission.
For now the only affiliate commissions for Quantastic Research are from Amazon Associates. As an Amazon Associate (part of the Amazon Associates Platform) Quantastic Research earns from qualifying purchases.